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Poppy Tuovinen

Poppy Tuovinen is an artist based in Hull (b. 2003, Helsinki, Finland). In her work she captivates a blend of traditional printmaking techniques and modern mixed media approaches. Her innovative use of printmaking, painting and bold charcoal drawings brings a dynamic, inter-personal quality to her work, as Tuovinen aims to create a deep connection between her work and the viewer. Communicating raw emotions through looking.

Poppy’s influences, such as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and film maker Robert Wiene are shown throughout her work in developing a distinct style in portraiture, exploring the principles of German Expressionism and elements of Expressionist art.

She infuses her work with a bold narrative of raw, dramatic expression that delves into the essence of human connection and human behaviour, along the principles of social face perception. Through her art, she captures the nuances of expression and communication, particularly through the gaze, allowing viewers to engage with the individuals included in her work onto a more intimate, personal level.

Tuovinen’s practice is defined by serving a bridge between her work and the viewer, inviting those to reflect on the complexities of human experience and how they perceive those around them, how social interaction and emotion makes them feel, react, and act.

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